The Software Product Management Blog

Grab a front-row seat to the world of software product management, where I share everything from industry insights to personal anecdotes, aiming to enlighten, educate, and empower those passionate about crafting cutting-edge software products.

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Automating your Mac and streamline product management

Save hours by building automation into your product management workflow.

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Product Management vs. Project Management: The Perils of Dual Roles

Product managers and project managers serve different purposes in an organization however, inexperienced orgs treat them the same. Learn why this is bad.

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The Mom Test Book Summary

Read my notes and book summary from the excellent product management book The Mom Test.

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Can't Keep Up? Use This Simple Product Prioritization Framework

Learn how to prioritize your product backlog using the Value/Effort ratio for efficient and effective decision-making. Simplify and optimize your backlog management.

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How to Implement GTD using OneNote

Implement the Getting Things Done in OneNote with this comprehensive guide. Improve your productivity and streamline your GTD workflow.

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How to cook up a prioritized product backlog with RICE

The RICE Framework is an efficient method used by product managers to prioritize features and ideas. With it you can objectively evaluate each feature and make data-driven decisions. Make sure your team is working on the right stuff.

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Mastering the Art of Prioritization: Tools for Product Managers

Learn how to prioritize product requirements with tips and tools you can use to balance user needs, feedback, and technical feasibility for success.

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Product-Led Growth: Your Competitive Advantage

Product-led growth can help you gain more customers. Using Fantastical as a case study, see how you can leverage this technique to drive users to your product.

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The Product v. Sales Matchup: Why Focusing on APIs is Key to Enterprise Growth

Discover how focusing on API features can help you support sales, build partnerships, and expose your app's functionality to third-party services.

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