The Software Product Management Blog

Grab a front-row seat to the world of software product management, where I share everything from industry insights to personal anecdotes, aiming to enlighten, educate, and empower those passionate about crafting cutting-edge software products.

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How to Build Better Products by Asking Yourself One Question

Discover how to shift from product-focused to customer-emotional needs in product management, enhancing value by understanding what you're really selling.

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Want to build a better product? Stop obsessing about it (here’s what to focus on instead)

This post was updated from an earlier piece Assume for a moment that you just returned from a cross-country trip. You’re sitting at home looking at your credit card statement with all of the trip expenses. Which companies are most likely to show up on your bill? If you flew, maybe it’s USAir or JetBlue. If you drove, you’re likely to see Exxon, Lukoil or some other gas stations.

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What John Mulaney can teach us about bad UX design

Learn how a John Mulaney show experience reveals key lessons in UX design, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and user expectations on websites.

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Navigating the World of Product Management: Job Descriptions, Salaries, and Entry-Level Opportunities in the US

Explore the essential guide to product management in the US, covering job roles, salaries, and entry-level opportunities. Delve into detailed insights about product manager and product owner roles to kickstart your career in this dynamic field.

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Product Management is not Project Management

These two terms are often used interchangeably and yet, other than having the word “management” and sort of sounding the same, they are vastly different things.

In many organizations senior management will point to a project manager and say “He’s our product manager.”

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Product Manager and Product Owner: Unraveling the Mystery

Explore the distinct roles of a product manager and a product owner, understanding their unique responsibilities and skills.

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Reframing the Approach: Prioritizing Problems over Solutions in Product Management

Explore how product managers can enhance their strategies by focusing on understanding and solving problems rather than jumping straight to solutions.

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My Productivity Workflow

Working efficently is the hallmark of a great product manager. Here's the workflow I use to get s**t done.

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Go Paperless: Transform Your Mac into a Digital Filing Cabinet

Learn how to conquer paper clutter with a digital filing system on your Mac. Discover tools and tips to efficiently scan, name, and organize your documents digitally.

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